Khang Nguyen

is a CS + Math Undergrad.

I currently study at NUS 🇸🇬, where I've been Teaching Assistant for Level-2 undergrad CS classes Data Structures & Algorithms and Programming Methodology 2.

My ambition is to make fast and reliable software that helps people enjoy modern software without needing modern hardware.

Towards this goal, I've been honing my skills by coding in Rust, a memory-safe language, with a focus on efficiency:

Enumerates git status
32k+ downloads on
Single-file password store
GnuPG keyring + ChaCha20
Convenience routines for statistics calculations
5k+ downloads on
A fun application of Information Theory
Evaluates wordle algorithms in <2s

I also explore other languages to keep my perspective open. Finding out about built-in features and coding styles of other languages help reaffirm and complement what I'm writing in my main language:

Wacom Tablet Driver extension for Precision Mode
Swift, XCode, macOS UI Application; also in daemon form
Cross-platform GUI synchronization tool
C++, Qt6 Framework, automated builds on GitHub
Backtracking solver for the Aquarium puzzle
Implemented in both Swift and Rust
Toggle words under your cursor
Lua plugin for Neovim, 150★ on GH, featured in coffeebar/dotfiles

Find me on GitHub, LinkedIn, and Instagram.