Khang Nguyen

is a writer.
Representing university module relations in a graph

The National University of Singapore has a very well set-up website that lists all current and past university modules called NUSMods. Each module is listed with lots of information, but among all that information one bit captures my attention the most: the Pre-requisite Tree.

A module’s Pre-requisite Tree determines what preceeding modules are required to be taken and cleared before being eligible for that module itself.

The chosen data structure of NUSMods’ API is recursive and strikingly simple:

type PrereqTree = string | { and: PrereqTree[] } | { or: PrereqTree[] }

A very simple tree would look like this:

const CS2040: PrereqTree = 'CS1010'

Meaning that the module CS2040 requires only one module to be done first: CS1010.

The recursive structure easily allows for more complex module requirements, such as CS3244:

const CS3244: PrereqTree = {
  and: [
    { or: ['CS2010', 'CS2020', 'CS2040'] },
    { or: ['MA1101R', 'MA1311', 'MA1508E', 'MA1513'] },
    { or: ['MA1102R', 'MA1521', { or: ['MA1511', 'MA1512'] }] },
    { or: ['EE2012', 'EE2012A', 'MA2216', 'ST2131', 'ST2334'] },

Seems easy enough to work with. And so the idea of my side project is this: to make use of the pre-requisite relations between modules to derive optimal choices for the students. More precisely, one of our goals is to let the user specify 3-4 high-level modules they want to take before graduation, and the software will trace back what’s an ideal study plan to become eligible for all those modules in as short a time frame as possible.

And so I started work. Pulling data from NUSMods was actually very doable since the API is well-established, so minimal data-cleaning was required.

Basic methods such as finding the minimum path to complete a single Pre-requisite tree was easy enough too, and in fact it was very concise. However, things started to get complicated when we tried to find global minimum paths to complete a high-level module when starting out with nothing done.

The two approaches we had were:

  1. Merge all PrereqTrees into one large one containing all the modules we are concerned with, and then traverse it to find the shortest path from having nothing done
  2. Represent the pre-requisite relationsn in a graph of nodes weighted by the semester intervals between modules taken.

When finding min-path on a tree, finding it when the tree is guaranteed to not have duplicates is easy, because this property allows for a divide-and-conquer approach. A min-path of a subtree will always be part of the min-path of the entire tree.

However, if there are duplicates, doing one module may complete muptiple child nodes of the tree, and discarding min-paths early on may lead to non-optimum paths chosen. For this reason, min-paths with duplicates must be chosen by scanning all possible paths first.

One possible alternatve to this is to check if the module exists elsewhere in the tree.

Yet another possible method is to combine all modules into one large pre-requisite tree with duplicates, and then apply a Dijkstra-like algorithm on this tree. Possible next-steps are modules that are eligible for.

And yet another method is to plan the modules sem by sem, resolving modules from just that one combined prereqtree.